Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Interactive Word Walls

The acquistion of vocabulary is a key component of academic development. Students need a rich body of word knowledge in order to achieve literacy success. Students must also learn specialized vocabulary in subject-specific content areas. Word walls are integral components of a print rich classroom environment. They are effective instructional tools which are designed to promote both individual and group learning.

Teachers use interactive word walls to:

  • help children achieve literacy success;
  • reinforce the correct use of vocabulary;
  • provide reference support;
  • used to support student use of subject-specific and unit-specific vocabulary;
  • foster the joy of reading and writing;
  • support the direct teaching of semantics and word meaning;
  • support the direct teaching of important concepts;
  • foster the joy of reading and writing;
  • promote independence in reading and writing;
  • provide a visual map to help children make connections;
  • develop a core group of words.

Word walls are more than just a display; they are tools to assist students with their learning.

Tips to Use in the Creation of Interactive Word Walls

  • identify, print and post words that are deemed significant to the topic being studied and/or that represent essential key words (for example: explain, justify);
  • add vocabulary terms over time;
  • reorganize words by strand, concept or some other attribute that highlights connections between words;
  • add pictures and symbols that can help English language learners and other readers who need additional support;
  • display at the students’ eye level whenever possible;
  • printed large enough to be read from anywhere in the classroom;
  • reflect themes being studied from the classroom.

In some circumstances, personal word walls and/or individual word lists are also used in addition to the posted word wall.

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